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Your Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Your Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)


GRB authors annual publications for federal employees covered under one of the several federal retirement systems listed above. Each book is a comprehensive and easy-to-use reference that explains the benefits payable to employees under their respective retirement system. Each book provides a summary explanation of the Basic Annuity, Social Security, the Thrift Savings Plan, and health and life insurance benefits. Several chapters are written in a “question and answer” format to answer specific questions regarding each benefits. A detailed outline is provided of the steps employees and human resource specialists should take in planning for retirement.


Guidebook for Separating Federal Employees

Federal employees who leave Government service and are not eligible for retirement must have complete and accurate information regarding their benefits. This book presents a comprehensive summary of the disposition of their benefits and the options they have to continue, modify, or convert those benefits when they separate. The benefits covered include leave, health and life insurance, and retirement. There is also a discussion of Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) withdrawal options, an overview of Social Security benefits, and eligibility requirements for severance pay.



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